2021 Father's Day gift ideas - 6 affordable, yet special 'gifts' your father figure will adore!

2021 Father's Day gift ideas - 6 affordable, yet special 'gifts' your father figure will adore!

Father's day 2021 is almost here and we can't wait to celebrate it with our father figures! The very kind souls who have watched us grow up from a teeny baby and our number one supporters. Where would we be without them? Every day, dads age a little bit more. So, we think it is important to take every opportunity that comes our way to show them that they are loved and appreciated. That's why, we have compiled 6 little (but special) activities which you can gift your superhero father figures this Father's day that we're sure will tug at their heartstrings.

1. Cook for ayah (or with him)

Imagine your father waking up bright and early, then heading down to the kitchen for his usual morning coffee only to see and hear you say, "I'm making you breakfast today, dad!" as you fry some eggs at the stove. He'll probably be pleasantly surprised and his heart may go all soft and fuzzy. Now, don't worry about not being a good cook. Just get hold of that cookbook your mom's kept in the kitchen drawer or Google some amazing recipes and work your magic. From pancakes, to strawberry acai bowls, to desserts - your dad is bound to enjoy at least one of them. There's no way you can go wrong with cooking for dad because we know he'll enjoy your concoction (even if it isn't all that good) simply because you were the chef. Bonus points if you get your dad to join in the fun. Now, that'll be a fantastic bonding experience.

2. Do ah pa's favourite workouts with him

This is for all the outdoorsy dads out there! If your father loves all things sports, accompany him on his daily evening jog or go for a bike ride with him. Just you, dad, and nature's cool breeze. And if you're worried about running out of breath, don't be. We're sure your dad will go easy on you (we hope). After all, it's not everyday that he gets to do the things that he loves with you. And if that's too intense, go for a walk with dad and grandpa. There's nothing like spending some good ol' quality time with the great men in your life. Oh, here's another idea: Get your dad to do some Zumba with the family. Just picture it - you dancing with dad. We bet you're smiling at the thought of it right now.

3. Give appa a hug

Simple, powerful and maybe a little unexpected (in a good way!). Hugs provide emotional warmth and is a great way to show your father affection. He might probably feel surprised, but extremely happy that his little boy/girl gave him an adoring embrace to express their love. It would possibly be more than anything he could have ever asked for. Just to know that you love and care about him would be more than enough. Most parents don't need expensive gifts or fancy cakes. All they truly want is to know that you're doing well in this world. All they sincerely appreciate is the reassurance that you're there for them and that you love them whole-heartedly. You're precious to them, after all. 

4. Get your old man a gift

Gift giving is one of the ways to show someone that they are in your thoughts. And let's be real, everyone loves receiving gifts, especially from the people that they love. Get your dad that watch he's been eyeing, or a necktie that would make him look dashing in his work attire. Not sure what your dad likes? Do some snooping around or subtly start up a conversation that will assist you in figuring out the perfect gift for dad. Remember, it doesn't need to be extravagant or beyond your budget. Your dad would still want you to survive. There are a bunch of online shops that offer delivery and sell affordable gifts boxes. With a little bit of digging, the best gift for your dad this Father's day will be in your hands. 

5. Have a conversation with dad

Sit at the table on the balcony with a cup of coffee and maybe even some cake and ask papa about the life he had before he had you. Ask your dad about his experiences as a kid, what his hopes and dreams were, his firsts. Ask him about what grandma was like when they were younger? Ask him how he met mom, if he's achieved all that he wanted to as a teen. To visit the little kid in him and maybe see some resemblance to yourself is a beautiful privilege. Pay attention to the way his eyes light up and his aged lips form a smile as he paints you the story of his life and all the things that made him happy as a kid. In a few years from now, you'll be glad you spent one night that Father's day listening to dad's stories. And your dad will be deeply moved and happy that you're taking an interest in his life before you.

6. Get Pa a cake

We've said it before and we'll say it again. (Almost) everyone loves cake. You want to  know why cake makes a good 2021 Father's day gift? Well, whether your dad is a workout freak who is careful with what he eats, or a busy man who is always focused on work, there's always space for cakes - for cheat days, to de-stress, to satisfy sweet tooth cravings. Remember the excitement that would take over us as kids whenever our parents used to come home from the grocery store with some sweet treats? Now that we're adults and can afford it, wouldn’t it be great to get them some tasty desserts that they never really got for themselves? We're sure they'll be super excited! We are among some of the best online cake shops in Malaysia which not only offer delicious cakes that will suit the palate of adults, but is also fit for a King (your dad, duh!) Have a look at our 2021 Father's day cake here! 

So there you have it. 6 simple, yet exciting things that you can do for your dad to make him feel a lot more special and appreciated this Father's day. Go ahead and personalise them to the likings of your dad. We're sure you would give him the world if you could, but honestly, spending time with him or telling him you love him would be more than enough. You've already given him the world. You are his world.

Happy Father's Day, Papa!

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